Friday, June 27, 2008

Flying along

111 miles yesterday to Cody and 86 today, the last 10 of which have
been steady switchback climbing. Plus, I'm only halfway up this climb
to Granite Pass (9300'), which will be my highest yet.

Yesterday I really had to blow past a lot of incredible things in
Yellowstone, but this family get-together in Burgess Junction is a
much more unique opportunity. I basically entered at the south gate,
hooked around West Thumb Lake, and shot out the east entrance. Old
Faithful was not involved. I'm definitely going back to Yellowstone,
but would like to time my exploration to a quieter time in the park.

The ups and downs over the last two days have been wild. I was above
8000' at some points in Yellowstone, down to 3800' in Greybul for a
root beer float this afternoon, and tomorrow mid-morning I'll hit that
9300' pass.

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